YSTUDIO X Kyoto Benrido “Collotype Artwork:The Weight of Words”

YSTUDIO is the leading brand of Taiwanese fine stationery and dedicated to keep developing writing culture. A series of pens and co-branding products launched by YSTUDIO is popular and collected by people over the years.
When YSTUDIO celebrates its 10-year anniversary, the consecutive 3 years co-branding plan conducted by YSTUDIO and Japanese craftsman “YSTUDIO X Japan Craft Trilogy “also goes to the second stage. Since the popular series of “YAKIHAKU Rollerball Pen “was launched in 2020, the second co-branding product “YSTUDIO X Collotype Artwork: The Weight of Words ”will be unveiled this year.

Collotype Printing
Collotype printing is kind of high challenged and ingenious technique of monochrome photo printing which is invented in France 150 years ago and is popular in Japan since then. The technique shows its advantages in printing such as great reproducibility, smooth and deepened texture, incredible durability created by the chemistry between special Collotype ink and papers to leave the rest in the dust.
The performance of reproduction of painting and calligraphy works by Collotype printing is almost the same as the real works. The performance of reproduction is even better than the original works to show the lifelike and charming ink spirit. Collotype is the most well-known technique to represent art works. That is why many reproductions of cultural properties for long-term preservation are made by Collotype printing at that time.

Benrido Atelier in Kyoto, Japan
Printing Bureau of the Japanese Imperial Government starts to use Collotype printing in 80s to demand the same highly aesthetic fidelity the same as French in printing. Therefore, Collotype printing is the best way to represent Japanese high level of art and literature for art reproductions such as Japanese Washi, calligraphy art, ukiyoe paintings or poetry and haiku. That is why that Collotype has been popularly used in Japanese printings such as art books, landscape postcards, sightseeing brochures and memorial albums.
Afterwards, the number of craftsmen of Collotype monochrome printing starts to decline caused by the mainstream of color printing and the rise of low-cost mass printing, given Collotype printing becoming a kind of exclusive art with high entry barrier. Nowadays, there are only 2 printing studios preserving the technique of Collotype printing. One of them is Japanese Kyoto Benrido, founded in Meiji Era 20(1887), having a history of 130 years which is decorated like a museum. Lots of stationery and art lovers around the world are attracted to visit the shop by its products of Collotype such as postcards and famous painting reproductions. These products also become the treasures for the travelers and art collectors.

YSTUDIO X Kyoto Benrido
When YSTUDIO keeps promoting ideas of “Writing culture” and “The weight of words”, We always believe Collotype printing is the right way to practically represent the idea of “The weight of words”. Hence, the founder of YSTUDIO flies to Japan several times and successfully gets permission by Kyoto Benrido to work together for the co-branding art production “YSTUDIO X Collotype Artwork: The Weight of Words”. The founder of YSTUDIO draws original drafts in person to represent the development of different writing tools in human history and the unchanged belief: The weight of words.
Kyoto Benrido uses its “Collotype printing “a 130-year history of excellent handmade printing to truly represent colors and marks of original edition based on the finalized draft revised several times by the founder of YSTUDIO. The delicate and classic printing art can fully stand for the faith of YSTUDIO. We are honored and prudently take responsibility for producing art works of Collotype printing as the first brand of fine stationery in Taiwan. By the centurial Japanese craft, the art work guides us where YSTUDIO’s heart is, reproduces and represents the faith of YSTUDIO: Keeping sharing “The weight of words”.

Japanese craftsman x Extraordinary workmanship. YSTUDIO creates the first art work of“YSTUDIO X Collotype Artwork: The Weight of Words“ when the brand celebrates its 10-year anniversary. We hope that the efforts of YSTUDIO could become a positive way to bring more positive and kind energy for Taiwan.